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Funds Faster for Online High Risk Merchants
In this article, we have covered a few of the strategies with which a merchant can get his funds quickly. An Omission of Chargebacks: A...

Easy ways to avoid Match List & TMF
If you find your business on the TMF or MATCH List, and you need to know how you got listed, reach out to your service provider and they...

Customer Thoughts For Redirect Payment Gateway
Redirect Payment Gateway – One of the common mistakes made by the merchants is that they do not give much attention to the Payment...

What is the Online Payment Risk?
Online Payment Risk: Payment risk is considered as a loss if a merchant or a company handles a high volume of payments and they fail to...

Merchant Account Vs. Payment Gateway | Merchant Stronghold
Merchant Account and Payment Gateway: The Basic requirement for starting up and running a business is having a Merchant Account and a...

High Risk Merchant Account for Escort & Adult Services
During the last numerous years, escort services have become one of the quickest growing industries. Having the abilities of credit card...

Let's Understand Rolling Reserve Merchant Account
What is Rolling Reserve Merchant Account? When it comes to new merchants and high-risk businesses, the bank takes all the possible...

What are High Risk Merchant Industries?
Common High-Risk Industries Any business with bad personal or business credit scores, a high chargeback history, a startup, or high...

Tech Support Merchant Account for your Businesses
Tech Support Merchant Account Provider It is pretty easy to get a payment processor but it’s not the same with tech support businesses....

How To Manage Online Payments Risk?
Management of Risk: A merchant needs to have a quantitative approach about the risk management to identify and manage it in online...
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