In a simple language, the business with greater risk can be put under this category. What is the risk in a business that makes it the high-risk business? It depends on the industry you are investing in or the kind of clientele you have. Moreover, the risk department decides which business should be put under the high-risk or low-risk business.

Now a business owner has to get a merchant account. This account is used to carry out the transactions of the merchant. Now if your company has too many numbers of chargebacks then your account will be referred to as high-risk merchant account.
There are many reasons a merchant do not want to own a high-risk merchant account, these are:
Excessive Chargeback Fees – The Bank already considers that the high-risk business will produce a number of chargebacks. In order to deal with the chargebacks, bank charges extra chargeback fees to deal with them in future.
Need to create a Merchant Account Reserve. For the high-risk business, the bank asks them to open a no-interest saving account. This is done to deal with an unexpected number of chargeback in the future. If someday merchant is asked to pay a large sum due to a chargeback then this account will be used to pay off the customer.
There is also a bright side to own a high-risk business. It is hard to believe but high-risk business can actually help you earn more profit than other businesses.
Great Earning Potential. The payment processor limits the revenue rate for the low-risk business. But the high-risk business has no limit when it comes to earning and expanding the business.
Risky Products lead to More Profit. When you own a high-risk business account, you can sell almost anything in the market. This is one of the Pros of High-Risk Merchant Account that makes it the most profitable business.
Worldwide Expansion. If you own a high-risk business then you have all the access to expand your business beyond boundaries. You can deal in any currency with the desired country.
When it comes to earning the profit, high-risk business is the best. Also, you can say the Pros of High-Risk Merchant Account is a great profit.